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Recent Drawings

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Here’s a slideshow of a few of my recent drawings. Enjoy!

I’m Commander Shepard and this is my favorite random mass effect character drawing on this art blog.

The holidays were awful! But I am briefly here between car trips to hospital for family stuff so I doodled a mass effect concept character!

Enjoy, or don’t. No biggie.


Character “Eclipse” belongs to Sediment. I wanted to play with 2-direction lighting in this one, it’s exaggerated with color choice but to an interesting effect.

Star Wars based Original Character

A character I played in d20 star wars tabletop. He was a zabrak from a mandalorian culture planet, piloted a ship, shot things. Was awesome. All that stuff. More info is available on this character at my dA gallery.


Commission drawn for @Kua of Champions Online. He’s a were-polar bear I believe!

Whoa..time travel

Some of the things from my dA gallery haven’t been posted over here too! So what’s with that?

Briefly, I’ve had a lot going on lately. I could go into details, but suffice it to say I’ve been primarily posting to my casual gallery in the meantime. I’ll upload these posts with the dates of the drawings!

self portrait, another speedy one

drawn using a mirror not a photo, I sort of made my nose a bit thinner than it is. Oh well. I included the scars on my face though. Glee. This is a speed painting, it was done in about an hour and fifteen minutes iirc.

OC: Elanorin

Elanorin of Mirkwood

I did not resize this from the size I drew it at.

Drawn in painter, couple of days work. Used a few image references for the pimpernel flowers and the animals, wikipedia commons for the most part. Click on it to see it at the resolution I drew it at.