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Recent Drawings

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Here’s a slideshow of a few of my recent drawings. Enjoy!

I’m Commander Shepard and this is my favorite random mass effect character drawing on this art blog.

The holidays were awful! But I am briefly here between car trips to hospital for family stuff so I doodled a mass effect concept character!

Enjoy, or don’t. No biggie.


Character “Eclipse” belongs to Sediment. I wanted to play with 2-direction lighting in this one, it’s exaggerated with color choice but to an interesting effect.

Star Wars based Original Character

A character I played in d20 star wars tabletop. He was a zabrak from a mandalorian culture planet, piloted a ship, shot things. Was awesome. All that stuff. More info is available on this character at my dA gallery.


Commission drawn for @Kua of Champions Online. He’s a were-polar bear I believe!

Whoa..time travel

Some of the things from my dA gallery haven’t been posted over here too! So what’s with that?

Briefly, I’ve had a lot going on lately. I could go into details, but suffice it to say I’ve been primarily posting to my casual gallery in the meantime. I’ll upload these posts with the dates of the drawings!


I did this a while back, but forgot to um.. post it here right away. My bad. As you can see I added armor and made the tattoos more accurate to the sources.

drawn for a friend, Charsen.

A gift to cheer up a friend

You cannot misplace me!

My friend's warden with Zevran from Dragon Age

progress shot